Flotation Bypass System
eDART’s zero downtime flotation bypass system gives you the ability to automatically take any flotation cell offline for maintenance purposes whilst producing concentrate with the remaining cells.
Zero Downtime
- Flotation plant availability ~100%. Maintain at any time
- Maintenance done on one cell whilst plant is operational (at lower feedrate)
Safer maintenance
- All maintenance can be performed whilst remainder of plant operates
- External dart valves provide significantly easier/safer maintenance environment
- No unnecessary hazardous access into float tank
- “Plug ‘n play” for external dart valve replacement with standby unit
- significantly improved level control & resulting mass pull
- best Advanced Process Control performance
Quick Payback
- Typically 1 to 2 days of unplanned downtime will pay for bypass system upgrade (cost of lost concentrate)
- Client benefits from latest level control dart valve technology when upgrading
3 Critical Elements of a BYPass System


Bypass System Diagram

Cutaway of external dual dart valve

Back Pressure Pipe or gooseneck